Tuesday, May 5, 2020

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Questions: 1. The organisation you work for sells PCs and laptops. They have decided that they are going to start selling computer tablets (eg iPads). They are expecting that this will significantly increase sales and will mean that more sales staff are going to be needed. How might the organisation modify its workforce in this situation? Provide a detailed response 2. The organisation you work for makes and sells jewellery. In the past few years, the organisation has found that they are not making money on their line of watches so they have decided, as a part of their organisation strategy, to stop selling watches. This means that the workforce force will need to be modified because watchmakers will no longer be needed. How might the organisation modify its workforce? 3. Explain how might you communicate workforce objectives and rationale to relevant stakeholders/ employees? 4. Identify two groups other than employees whose agreement and endorsement you would seek when setting objectives and targets and creating workforce plans. Explain why their agreement should be sought 5. Your organisation has decided that employers will no longer give employees rostered days off to compensate them for working overtime. Instead, employees will now be paid for any overtime they complete. What would you say to obtain agreement and endorsement for these changes? You should provide a transcript of a three minute speech that you would give to employees outlining the objectives of this change. You need to show that you have considered objections to or barriers to employee endorsement of this change. Answers: 1. The organization you work for sells PCs and laptops. They have decided that they are going to start selling computer tablets (eg iPads). They are expecting that this will significantly increase sales and will mean that more sales staff are going to be needed. How might the organization modify its workforce in this situation? Provide a detailed response In order to cater the increasing needs of the organization the simplest way is to develop sales teams for each product with few new recruits under the supervision of old seasoned sales persons of the company. The old people know the strategies, vision, mission and ethics of the company and the new workforce would provide renewed energy and power of number to capture the new market as expected by the company. It is important to move forward with strategic staffing policies so that the company is neither burdened by the expenses of extra staff nor hampered by lack of it. The option of contractual salesmen could be used to cater the current needs of the company (Bechet, 2000). 2. The organization you work for makes and sells jewelry. In the past few years, the organization has found that they are not making money on their line of watches so they have decided, as a part of their organization strategy, to stop selling watches. This means that the workforce force will need to be modified because watchmakers will no longer be needed. How might the organization modify its workforce? For the success and profitable operations of an organization it is important that every employee is put to good use. The companys Profit Per Employees is considered to be new metric for evaluating its performance (Bryan, 2007). However, terminating employment contract of employees as corporate decision might attract legal actions against the company. Therefore, the watchmakers must be tries to accommodate in field in which they might prove capable to work in. Some of them might prove worthy in jewelry field, or sales workforce. However, for the staff which is not able to fit in any other field might be asked to find another suitable job and some reasonable time must be given to him to do so. 3. Explain how might you communicate workforce objectives and rationale to relevant stakeholders/ employees? To increase the efficiency of the staff within the company budget it is important to have good workforce planning. Also, the employees as well as stakeholders must be very clear about the aims and objectives that the company have behind the decided workforce strategies. The main objectives of workforce are to define hob roles and duties, identify the level of staffing, increase human recourse efficiency and improve resources allocation on the company (Kelchner, 2016). For staff this could be communicated through regular training sessions, role manuals and counselling as and when needed. For the stakeholders, presentations at the board or annual meetings or regular email communications regarding this topic could be helpful. 4. Identify two groups other than employees whose agreement and endorsement you would seek when setting objectives and targets and creating workforce plans. Explain why their agreement should be sought It is important that the stakeholders and the management of the company agrees as well as endorse the objectives and targets and creation of workforce plans before its implementation. Internal stakeholders like the department heads and senior management must understand the rationale behind the set plan in synchronization with the future vision and mission of the company. These are the people who would command the regular operations from the workforce, thus it is important that they agree with it since inception. External stakeholders like the unions of the staff or resources or departments of government concerned with the business, etc. must be taken into confidence before plans implementation to ensure that no violations are done which might raise objections in later stage (Aspire Learning Resources, 2015). 5. Your organization has decided that employers will no longer give employees rostered days off to compensate them for working overtime. Instead, employees will now be paid for any overtime they complete. What would you say to obtain agreement and endorsement for these changes? You should provide a transcript of a three-minute speech that you would give to employees outlining the objectives of this change. You need to show that you have considered objections to or barriers to employee endorsement of this change I order to meet the additional financial needs of the employees and reward the extra work done, company has come up with the plan to pay for any overtime done by them. There was provision of compensatory offs in lieu of overtime which also allured some employees to work for more than 40 hours in a week (Insperity, 2013). Also it was found that the staff were using the compensatory off facility to take off in any day which might hamper the working of rest of his team or department for that day. Keeping this in mind and not overruling the extra effort put in by the staff the plan of payment is made. For some of the staff taking a compensatory off was better choice maybe because they do not need additional income as much as others might. Thus for some this comes as a golden chance to make more money by putting in extra hours. Therefore, it would be in favor of the employees at large to agree with this new change and endorse for its implementation, so that some of us in need can make ext ra money, while we already get our weekly and other holidays. Bibliography Aspire Learning Resources (2015) Topic 4: Monitor and evaluate workforce trends 81. Australian Government (2008) GETTING IT RIGHT EMPLOYING INDIGENOUS AUSTRALIANS: A GUIDE FOR EMPLOYERS. Australian Trade Commission (2016) Tourism employment in Australia. Bechet, T.P. (2000) Developing staffing strategies that work: Implementing pragmatic, nontraditional approaches, Public Personnel Management, 29(4), pp. 465477. doi: 10.1177/009102600002900405. Bryan, L.L. (2007) The new metrics of corporate performance: Profit per employee. Caruso, K.N. and Groehler, L. (2007) Emerging best practices in succession planning. Charan, R., Drotter, S. and Noel, J. (2001) The leadership pipeline: How to build the leadership powered company. 13th edn. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Inc.,U.S. Daynes, T., Barratt, M., Milway, C. and Ridgway, H. (2016) How to motivate employees through succession planning knowhow nonprofit. DeBenedetti, J. (2015) How to deal with Overstaffing. Employee Strikes (2016) Employee strikes - type, benefits, types of strikes, managing a strike. Government of Western Australia (2013) Step 4 - Analysing and filling the gap. Heathfield, S.M. (2016) Are you an employer of choice? Employers of choice attract and retain the best talent. Herman, R. and Gioia, J. (2000) Why become an employer of choice? Insperity (2013) Comp time or overtime pay? | fair labor standards act compliance.

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